About Me

Istanbul Technical University

Ocean Engineering | 2010 - 2015

Discovering my passion later in life was perfectly fine with me. Toward the end of my high school years, the idea of designing massive ships captivated me. I imagined how rewarding it would be to see them take shape each day, growing to their full dimensions. The thought of walking on something that I had helped create filled me with joy and motivation for the future.

Ozan Muldur istanbul technical university internship picture1

Izmir Shipyard Engineered by Gozuyilmaz

Design Engineer | 2015 – 2017

Upon starting my career in the field, I quickly realized that, while enjoyable, it wasn't the sole pursuit I wanted to dedicate my life to. Around this time, I stumbled upon programming tutorials on YouTube and began coding along with them.
Within a week, the ability to create virtually anything through code had me thoroughly captivated, leading me to delve deeper into the world of programming.

Ozan Muldur engineer picture

Georgian College

Computer Programmer | 2017 – 2019

This newfound interest led me to pursue studies abroad in Canada, a formidable challenge that I embraced wholeheartedly. I successfully completed the program, on time and enriched by the experience. The decision to study computer programming was a pivotal step in my journey, marking a transition from a fascination with physical engineering to the boundless possibilities of software development.


Avetti Commerce

Full Stack Developer | 2019 – 2021

My expertise in React and web application development led to a position at Avetti Commerce, where my role evolved into full stack development. Working in an international environment with cross-functional teams, I honed not only my frontend skills but also developed a robust capability in backend technologies. This position was crucial in enhancing my overall coding skills and understanding of complete software solutions, contributing to projects that rank among my proudest achievements.



Software Engineer | 2021 - Current

Currently, as a software engineer at Agilysys, I am involved in developing various hospitality management software. This role allows me to engage with multiple projects across different technology stacks, further broadening my skill set and making me a more versatile developer. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be part of such an exceptional team and company culture at Agilysys.

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